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Staro 22.10.2012, 12:11
detox detox je offline
Datum prijave: 07.08.2012
Poruke: 13
Nepromenjeno Ako neko zna


Ja i zena smo bili u americi krajem 6 mjeseca i dobili smo GC, bili mjesec dana i vratili se kuci. ja sad planiram ici u 12 mjesecu opet nazad. sad me zanima kad zena bude ulazila u USA to ce biti 2 ili 3 mjesec da li ce imati problema, jer je ostala duze od 6 mj.

Hvala !
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Staro 22.10.2012, 12:36
oki9 oki9 je offline
Drug član
Datum prijave: 03.10.2012
Poruke: 52

koliko mi je poznato, status imaoca GC zahteva boravak u US 6 meseci u godini, e sad kako oni tu godinu racunaju, ne znam (fiskalno ili kalendarski ili po datumu ulaska i izlaska iz zemlje))
Moj savet je da pozovete ambasadu i oni ce vam ljubazno objasniti da li se to moze i kako...tj da li, ako je takva procedura, vasa supruga moze odloziti putovanje za par meseci a da joj se to ne uzme za prekrsaj.
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Staro 22.10.2012, 23:39
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oskark oskark je offline
Pravi "Amer"
Datum prijave: 10.06.2010
US lokacija: Chicago, IL
YU lokacija: Zrenjanin
Poruke: 676

Prvobitno poslao korisnik detox Prikaz poruke

Ja i zena smo bili u americi krajem 6 mjeseca i dobili smo GC, bili mjesec dana i vratili se kuci. ja sad planiram ici u 12 mjesecu opet nazad. sad me zanima kad zena bude ulazila u USA to ce biti 2 ili 3 mjesec da li ce imati problema, jer je ostala duze od 6 mj.

Hvala !
Kao sto je receno, treba dobrto da se raspitas. Kaze ako planiras da budes duze od 6 meseci van zemlje treba da uzmes reentry permit, mada ako sam dobro procitao to je za odsustvo duze od godinu dana. no takodje ako ostajete duze od 6 meseci u jednoj kalendarskoj godini, mislim da i tada treba da se raspitate o duzini i sta treba/dal treba bilo sta. Jer cak i ako dobijete Reentry Permit, ne znaci da ce vas na ulazu pustiti da udjete u zemlju, jer se obicno smatra ako duze od 6 meseci ostajete van zemlje, mogu smatrati da niste ozbiljni sto se useljavanja tice.

imate recimo na sajtu USCIS
What documents do I need to present to reenter the United States?
If seeking to enter the United States after temporary travel abroad, you will need to present a valid, unexpired “green card” (Form I-551, Permanent Resident Card).
Does travel outside the United States affect my permanent resident status?
Permanent residents are free to travel outside the United States, and temporary or brief travel usually does not affect your permanent resident status. If it is determined, however, that you did not intend to make the United States your permanent home, you will be found to have abandoned your permanent resident status. A general guide used is whether you have been absent from the United States for more than a year. Abandonment may be found to occur in trips of less than a year where it is believed you did not intend to make the United States your permanent residence. While brief trips abroad generally are not problematic, the officer may consider criteria such as whether your intention was to visit abroad only temporarily, whether you maintained U.S. family and community ties, maintained U.S employment, filed U.S. income taxes as a resident, or otherwise established your intention to return to the United States as your permanent home. Other factors that may be considered include whether you maintained a U.S. mailing address, kept U.S. bank accounts and a valid U.S. driver’s license, own property or run a business in the United States, or any other evidence that supports the temporary nature of your absence.
What if my trip abroad will last longer than 1 year?
If you plan on being absent from the United States for longer than a year, it is advisable to first apply for a reentry permit on Form I-131. Obtaining a reentry permit prior to leaving the United States allows a permanent or conditional permanent resident to apply for admission into the United States during the permit’s validity without the need to obtain a returning resident visa from a U.S. Embassy or Consulate abroad. Please note that it does not guarantee entry into the United States upon your return as you must first be determined to be admissible; however, it will assist you in establishing your intention to permanently reside in the United States. For more information, see the “Travel Documents” link to the left under “Green Card Processes & Procedures.”

Additionally, absences from the United States of six months or more may disrupt the continuous residency required for naturalization. If your absence is one year or longer and you wish to preserve your continuous residency in the United States for naturalization purposes, you may file an Application to Preserve Residence for Naturalization Purposes on Form N-470. For more information, please see the “Continuous Residence and Physical Presence Requirements” under the Naturalization section of this website.
Ali opet sa druge strane to generalno vazi samo za nosioca GC. Dok za derivate mozda znaci nesto drugo.

Dok recimo residence od US znaci kao sto je citirano u sledecem iz zakona o continuated residence, a pored toga i oznacava period izmedju 6 i 12 meseci
Sec. 316.5 Residence in the United States.

(a) General . Unless otherwise specified, for purposes of this chapter, including Sec. 316.2 (a)(3), (a)(5), and (a)(6), an alien's residence is the same as that alien's domicile, or principal actual dwelling place, without regard to the alien's intent, and the duration of an alien's residence in a particular location is measured from the moment the alien first establishes residence in that location.

(5) Residence during absences of less than one year.

(i) An applicant's residence during any absence of less than one year shall continue to be the State or Service district where the applicant last resided at the time of the applicant's departure abroad.

(ii) Return to the United States. If, upon returning to the United States, an applicant returns to the State or Service district where the applicant last resided, the applicant will have complied with the continuous residence requirement specified in § 316.2(a)(5) when at least three months have elapsed, including any part of the applicant's absence, from the date on which the applicant first established that residence. If the applicant establishes residence in a State or Service district other than the one in which he or she last resided, the applicant must complete three months at that new residence to be eligible for naturalization.

(c) Disruption of continuity of residence

(1) Absence from the United States .

(i) For continuous periods of between six (6) months and one (1) year. Absences from the United States for continuous periods of between six (6) months and one (1) year during the periods for which continuous residence is required under § 316.2(a)(3) and (a)(6) shall disrupt the continuity of such residence for purposes of this part unless the applicant can establish otherwise to the satisfaction of the Service. This finding remains valid even if the applicant did not apply for or otherwise request a nonresident classification for tax purposes, did not document an abandonment of lawful permanent resident status, and is still considered a lawful permanent resident under immigration laws. The types of documentation which may establish that the applicant did not dis rupt the continuity of his or her residence in the United States during an extended absence include, but are not limited to, evidence that during the absence: (Amended 9/24/93; 58 FR 49913)

(A) The applicant did not terminate his or her employment in the United States;

(B) The applicant's immediate family remained in the United States;

(C) The applicant retained full access to his or her United States abode; or

(D) The applicant did not obtain employment while abroad.

(ii) For period in excess of one (1) year. Unless an applicant applies for benefits in accordance with § 316.5(d) , absences from the United States for a continuous period of one (1) year or more during the period for which continuous residence is required under § 316.2(a)(3) and (a)(5) shall disrupt the continuity of the applicant's residence. An applicant described in this paragraph who must satisfy a five-year statutory residence period may file an application for naturalization four years and one day following the date of the applicant's return to the United States to resume permanent residence. An applicant described in this paragraph who must satisfy a three-year statutory residence period may file an application for naturalization two years and one day following the da te of the applicant's return to the United States to resume permanent residence. (Amended 9/24/93; 58 FR 49913)

(2) Claim of nonresident alien status for income tax purposes after lawful admission as a permanent resident . An applicant who is a lawfully admitted permanent resident of the United States, but who voluntarily claims nonresident alien status to qualify for special exemptions from income tax liability, or fails to file either federal or state income tax returns because he or she considers himself or herself to be a nonresident alien, raises a rebuttable presumption that the applicant has relinquished the privileges of permanent resident status in the United States. (Revised 2/3/95; 60 FR 6647)

(3) Removal and return . Any departure from the United States while under an order of removal (including previously issued orders of exclusion or deportation) terminates the applicant's status as a lawful permanent resident and, therefore, disrupts the continuity of residence for purposes of this part. (Revised effective 4/1/97; 62 FR 10312 )

(4) Readmission after a deferred inspection or exclusion proceeding . An applicant who has been readmitted as a lawful permanent resident after a deferred inspection or by the immigration judge during exclusion proceedings shall satisfy the residence and physical presence requirements under Sec. 316.2(a)(3), (a)(4), (a)(5), and (a)(6) in the same manner as any other applicant for naturalization.

(d) Application for benefits with respect to absences; appeal .

(1) Preservation of residence under Section 316(b) of the Act .

(i) An application for the residence benefits under section 316(b) of the Act to cover an absence from the United States for a continuous period of one year or more shall be submitted to the Service on Form N-470 with the required fee, in accordance with the form's instructions. The application may be filed either before or after the applicant's employment commences, but must be filed before the applicant has been absent from the United States for a continuous period of one year.

(ii) An approval of Form N-470 under Section 316(b) of the Act shall cover the spouse and dependent unmarried sons and daughters of the applicant who are residing abroad as members of the applicant's household during the period covered by the application. The notice of approval, Form N-472, shall identify the family members so covered.

(iii) An applicant whose Form N-470 application under Section 316(b) of the Act has been approved, but who voluntarily claims nonresident alien status to qualify for special exemptions from income tax liability, raises a rebuttable presumption that the applicant has relinquished a claim of having retained lawful permanent resident status while abroad. The applicant's family members who were covered under Section 316(b) of the Act and who were listed on the applicant's Form N-472 will also be subject to the rebu ttable presumption that they have relinquished their claims to lawful permanent resident status.

(2) Preservation of residence under Section 317 of the Act . An application for the residence and physical presence benefits of Section 317 of the Act to cover any absences from the United States, whether before or after December 24, 1952, shall be submitted to the Service on Form N-470 with the required fee, in accordance with the form's instructions. The application may be filed either before or after the applicant's absence from the United States or the performance of the functions or services described in Section 317 of the Act.

(3) Approval, denial, and appeal . The applicant under paragraphs (d)(1) or (d)(2) of this section shall be notified of the Service's disposition of the application on Form N-472. If the application is denied, the Service shall specify the reasons for the denial, and shall inform the applicant of the right to appeal in accordance with the provisions of part 103 of this chapter.
A recimo pise isto i ovo
Abandoning Permanent Resident Status

You may be found to have abandoned your permanent resident status if you:
  • Move to another country intending to live there permanently
  • Remain outside of the United States for more than 1 year without obtaining a reentry permit or returning resident visa. However, in determining whether your status has been abandoned, any length of absence from the United States may be considered, even if less than 1 year
  • Remain outside of the United States for more than 2 years after issuance of a reentry permit without obtaining a returning resident visa. However, in determining whether your status has been abandoned any length of absence from the United States may be considered, even if less than 1 year
  • Fail to file income tax returns while living outside of the United States for any period
  • Declare yourself a “nonimmigrant” on your tax returns
Tako da je po mom misljenju najbolje kontaktirati ambasadu i videti sta oni kazu.
27.10.2011. Prijava prvi put
01.05.2012. 2013EU00011XXX
14.05.2012. Poslata Koverta
22.05.2012. Stigla koverta u Kentucky
29.01.2013. Obavljen lekrski pregled
20.02.2013. Interview Uspesno Obavljen
21.02.2013. Viza u pasosu!!!
08.03.2013. Avionska karta
27.04.2013. Vezite se, Polecemo POE Seattle

Oskarov Blog

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Staro 23.10.2012, 06:23
Naja Naja je offline
Datum prijave: 25.07.2011
YU lokacija: BiH
Poruke: 24

Prvobitno poslao korisnik oskark Prikaz poruke
Kao sto je receno, treba dobrto da se raspitas. Kaze ako planiras da budes duze od 6 meseci van zemlje treba da uzmes reentry permit, mada ako sam dobro procitao to je za odsustvo duze od godinu dana. no takodje ako ostajete duze od 6 meseci u jednoj kalendarskoj godini, mislim da i tada treba da se raspitate o duzini i sta treba/dal treba bilo sta. Jer cak i ako dobijete Reentry Permit, ne znaci da ce vas na ulazu pustiti da udjete u zemlju, jer se obicno smatra ako duze od 6 meseci ostajete van zemlje, mogu smatrati da niste ozbiljni sto se useljavanja tice.

imate recimo na sajtu USCIS
Ali opet sa druge strane to generalno vazi samo za nosioca GC. Dok za derivate mozda znaci nesto drugo.

Dok recimo residence od US znaci kao sto je citirano u sledecem iz zakona o continuated residence, a pored toga i oznacava period izmedju 6 i 12 meseci

A recimo pise isto i ovo
Tako da je po mom misljenju najbolje kontaktirati ambasadu i videti sta oni kazu.
I ja mislim da je nabolje da se raspita u ambasadi. A sta ako u amabasadi kazu da se moze, a na granici vas vrate ?

Last edited by Naja; 23.10.2012 at 06:30.
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Staro 23.10.2012, 08:39
jazg jazg je offline
Datum prijave: 20.09.2012
US lokacija: Houston, TX
YU lokacija: ZG
Poruke: 12

žena i ja imamo isti plan...otići u 1. mjesecu tamo po GC i vratiti se u HR na 6 mj. pitao sam u ambasadi u ZG i rekli su mi da se može biti izvan US do godinu dana bez problema, a ukoliko mislite biti duže onda to morate njima prijaviti. ovo pravilo do 6 mj je za državljanstvo. ukoliko ste duže od 6 mj izvan US u jednoj godini (kalendarskoj) onda vam ta godina ne ulazi u onih 5 koliko vam treba da bi mogli aplicirati za državljanstvo. naravno ovo do godinu dana je ok za početak ili za koji put nakon par godina, ali više nije moguče (bar su mi tako rekli u ambasadi) da se ide u US jednom godišnje samo radi GC-a. počeli su takvima oduzimat GC.
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Staro 26.10.2012, 07:27
natural natural je offline
Datum prijave: 14.06.2012
Poruke: 24

da pitam ovdje valjda se nitko nece ljutiti,zna li itko sta znaci u prijevodu superintendent da li je to nadzornik,inspektor? (bez googtranslate)
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Staro 26.10.2012, 08:50
milana85 milana85 je offline
Drug član
Datum prijave: 19.10.2012
US lokacija: Orlando/Florida
YU lokacija: Zrenjanin/Srbija
Poruke: 31
Pošalji Skype™ poruku korisniku milana85

a jel zna ko,sta ako se izgube oni id brojevi klinac se izgleda nekako docepao i izgleda bacio u kantu za smece....
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Staro 26.10.2012, 09:06
oskark's Avatar
oskark oskark je offline
Pravi "Amer"
Datum prijave: 10.06.2010
US lokacija: Chicago, IL
YU lokacija: Zrenjanin
Poruke: 676

U tom slucaju, za vas 2014 je zavrsena...bez tog broja ne mozete nista.
27.10.2011. Prijava prvi put
01.05.2012. 2013EU00011XXX
14.05.2012. Poslata Koverta
22.05.2012. Stigla koverta u Kentucky
29.01.2013. Obavljen lekrski pregled
20.02.2013. Interview Uspesno Obavljen
21.02.2013. Viza u pasosu!!!
08.03.2013. Avionska karta
27.04.2013. Vezite se, Polecemo POE Seattle

Oskarov Blog

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Staro 26.10.2012, 09:13
ivanmilosavljevic's Avatar
ivanmilosavljevic ivanmilosavljevic je offline
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Datum prijave: 02.05.2012
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Nepromenjeno .

Prvobitno poslao korisnik milana85 Prikaz poruke
a jel zna ko,sta ako se izgube oni id brojevi klinac se izgleda nekako docepao i izgleda bacio u kantu za smece....
Kad sam ja dobio confirmation number,odmah sam posla na da email-a,ubacio u telefon i odstampao vise puta.Stavio u auto,samo da mi se ne desi to.Tacnije da izgubim.Bas mi je zao.
10.10.2011-Poslao prijavu
03.05.2012-Dobio poklon za rodjendan od KCC-a
09.05.2012-Poslao kovertu
16.05.2012-Stigla koverta u KCC
15.05.2013-Ponovo rodjen
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Staro 26.10.2012, 09:25
milana85 milana85 je offline
Drug član
Datum prijave: 19.10.2012
US lokacija: Orlando/Florida
YU lokacija: Zrenjanin/Srbija
Poruke: 31
Pošalji Skype™ poruku korisniku milana85

grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....sad cu da okrenem kucu naopako......
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